Lt. Col. A. A. Gomes


In considering a mechanism whereby AEC may determine that the

contaminated scrap cleanup job or other portions of the resettlement effort are completed, it is probably undesirable: to

saddle any one individual with such decisions.

As with the

initial judgement that resettlement could take place, an Ad Iloc

group considerution may be the best upproach. In any event,
with Dr. Gustavson's predictions and the 1967 AEC survey formin;:
the basis for a finding that risks associated with radiation
exposure would not preclude a return to Bikini, it is incunhent

upon AEC to insure that risks beyond those predieted do nol
occur, exposures of the returning people are at an acceptuble

level, and provisions of the Ad Hoc Committee recommendations

have been met.

Other project: coming out of thes: recommendntions would be:

The reduction of the coconut erabh populrtion.


A study on fish poisoning for Bikini Lagoon.


Agricultural product contamination.


Radintion exposure status of Rikini residents.


Re-evaluution of islands outside Bikini-Mneu Complex.

There is also a potential need for a study on the contamination status
of shipson the bottom of Bikini Lagoon.


In item No. 9 it is stated that . civilinn contriuctor will


Tabor and perform other tasks. In our opinton thin eontruchor,
Leenuse of its experience and capability, cun tuke a more imporbunt

rote with major inputs in planning the operation.
We would scek
their udvice und guidance particulurly in areas of emrincering
aspects ol these field operations.
Rewrite item No. 5 as follows:


The AEC will be responsible for determining that radiological
health and safety requirements for the scrap removable project

at Bikini Atoll are met at the close of this project. These
requirement::, as developed in prorram plans, will be: sulject to
AEC approvnl prior to the beginning of field operations.




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