- Director, DNA


to this activity, ERDA sponsors and PASO supports, a sumber of

research activities, «.g., the ERDA experimental farm at Engebi
(Enewetak Atoll).
Marine Laboratory; For 2Z yeare the United States
has maintained at Enewetak a field laboratory station which was
' esteallished as a part of the atmospheric test program. This laboratory,
concerned initially with what we would describe today as environmental
impact, has became a center of unique understanding of radiological
pollution in a tropical marine environment. For an expenditure over
the 22 years of about $1 millian, it has supported almost [000 investigators tn fieid research efforts. Nevada provides administrative and
logistic support to the Mid-Pacific Marine Laboratory and is active
in its program direction.
Environmental Surveillance of the Marshall Islands: Many atolis and
many tens of islands in the Marshalis were affected by fallout from
atmospheric tests between 1946 and 1958. Nevada has been charged
with responsibility for long-term monitoring of the presence, transfer,
removal uptake and decay of the fallout residue, for assessing the
significance to man of the radiation in his environment and for providing advice and assistance to Prust Territory authorities. We expect —
this responsibility to continues for many years.
the Marshall Islands Research Vessaly
Nevada acquired,
about two years ago, a ship which has been used very auccessfully to
support a variety of research programs in the Marshalls. This research vessel, under operational control of PASO, has previded each year
more than 1600 s@tentific man days on station in the Marshalls. It is
based at Kwajalein and operated for ERDA by the Army's KMR contractor.

Roger Ray, Aesistant Manager
for Eavironment & Safety


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