W. J. Stanley
H. Pratt, M.D.

1 December 1278
Page Three

and that the survey leader will have administrative control over those things

that do not involve the safety of the ship.
I have the impression that Mr.
Otterman considers the American Survey to Uririk and Rongelap some sort of

a romantic, South Pacific interlude, and my past expetience has shown nme
that he can be quite demanding and unreasonable at times. I would therefore
hope that the exact details of the authority and responsibilites for the
operations of the Medical Program and the ship be claarly spelled out for
Mr. Otterman prior to the time the ship sails for Kwajalein.
I don't want to be hardnosed about this but I think in this case that in

dealing with Mr. Otterman it's imperative that we lay all our cards on the

table so everybody understands exactly where our mutual responsibilites and
authorities are.
If I can be of any further assistance,in this matter, please

don't hesitate to call or write.

Please give my best to Harry and Wayne.
I think they have dona a
suparb job.
Each of them is now eligible for the Purple Heart.
Warm regards,

Hugh Pratt, M.D.



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