Should the decision be to not entomb soil in the soil-cement mix, the probler
of disposal of contaminated debris remains.

in the crater?

Can we put the debris, unconfined,

Must we make enough soil~cement mix to cover debris in the

Is there some other alternative for debris disposal, such as bury


Radiological feasibility of residence on the Aomon(Sally)-Bijire(Tilda)—-

Lojwa(Ursula) Complex and Dri-Enjebi desires pertaining thereto.

This is

primarily a TTPI/DOE decision but is of interest in how it may impact the
cleanup project.

Will there be less cleanup work or more cleanup work

involved in making the complex suitable for habitation?

Do bunkers and

slabs, now planned to remain in place, have to be removed?

If additional

work required greatly exceeds that now programmed, there will have to be
a resource trade-off.

Disposal of brush cleared in preparation for soil removal.

contaminated soil will inevitably be along with brush.
contain uptake of contaminants, fission products.

The brush may

Burning the brush may

result in "hot spots" of contamination in the ash~soil mixture.
been promulgated to windrow brush for burning.


Guidance has

After burning the ash area

is to be surveyed and any transuranic contamination levels exceeding the
level for that island to be excised.
concentrations would also be excised.

Any "hot spots" of fission product
This guidance has the effect of

denying most of the soil nutrient value of the brush.

to simply allow the brush to decay.

It might be better

Or it may be more desirable to move

the brush to Runit and bury or allow to decay there.

The guidance needs

to be re-evaluated.


Select target paragraph3