Inassuch as some natives of Rongelap nere reported to be on

alinginae, tne atoll was surveyed, 17 natives loceted, and an intensity
sf 445 crsar was found. . Evacuation was complete by 1800, 3 Liarek. The
Gose computed for this group is &0r and details are eppended.

aerial survey of Utirik by a5L= Fattem indicated 620 mr/hr at

1651 prs, 2 March (later re-calibrated to 240 cr/hr). (nm 3 Larch 1345
ground survey indicated 160 mr/nr. Decision to evacuate based upon fact
that estimated dose at time of earliest evacuztion would be 13r.


ation complete 1245 hrs, 4 Larch. Estimate of dose to actual evacuation
time was 17r. 154 natives were evacuated. Calculations appended in the

nedical tab.

The caly other populated atoll which received fallout of any con-

sequence at all wes Ailuk, ASLE Fattern indicated 95 mr per hour at
1845 brs, 2 Mareh. Pased upon the best estimate of fallout tine it was
calevlated that a dose to infinite time would reach epproxicately 20


Salancing the effort required to move the 40U inhabitants

ageinst the fact that such a dose would not be a medical Problem it was
decided mot to evacuate the atoll,
Indicatiozss from eerial surveys indicated substantial fallert
occurred on the unpopuiated islands of Eikar and Taka.
Very cinor fallout oceurred in a southwesterly and westerly direction
on Iniwetok and Ujelang &tolls but levels did not exceed lGmr per hour

at Eniwetok nor 3=r> per hour at Ujelang.

This was apparently very fine

particuiate matter carriea by the low trade wind compoanest.

& detailed plen was made to maxe growd surveys of ell islands which
had fallout in excess of lOer per hour at estimated fallout time to previde information as to decay rate and verification of estimation of aoses.
Gater and soil samples from these surveys were shipnedby air to HASL, kY

Operations Office, Attention: Mr. Merril Eisenbud, for detailed anaiysis.

BR. Ae


Lt Colonel, USAF






Select target paragraph3