

d. Native atolls in the southeast quadrant were aise
cussed at this pcint and elsewhere in the briefing. The net reeult
of the forecast was that these etolls shoul: remain favorable due

to the farecast lons time of travel for fell-out to these pleces.

Specifically, Wotho and Rongelap vere cossidered by name and

position, these being the closest native populsted atolls in the
Vicinity of ground zero.

@. Control DDE: "x0 change recocmended over the change
mede at the 1100, 28 February briefing.

f. ATF: It was recommended that tne ATFs E¢2 hour
position be changed from 35 miles outh of GZ to at least 50 ciles
south of GZ.


No closure was recommended on eir and surface


No further shipping was rezcrted within 500 miles

Toutes through Wake and Kwajalein.
of GZ.

i. an advisory to CINCPACELT and CINCPAC was recocmmerded
in confcrmance with the above, .

Jj. Task Force Ships: It was recommended that, due to the
close proximity of Task Force ships to the outer edge of the siz
hour fall-out, thsse ships be moved further out on a radia: line

to at least 50 miles.

In summary, it was recommended that PadSafe conditions
be oonsicered favorable on all points, and unfavorable for Bikini
shot atoll.

It Col., USaF
RedSafe Officer

Select target paragraph3