W. J. Bair
June 18, 1979

Page 8


p. 18

The authors should not use "dial-a-dose" terminology for
obvious reasons!


Appendix 7,
Line 7

The equation for D. is mixed up.
of TEs and Teo?

What are the definitions

Also, the authors should emphasize more

fully that Appendix A relates to external doses.


p. 18

Last line

Is this the definition of maximum annual dose rate used

thoughout the paper?

I don't think so, but the reader

could get confused.


It's not clear from the authors discussion of Appendix C
whether the dose estimates in the main text contain the
contribution from coconut assumption.

Are the doses in

Appendix C maximum annual doses, and are the doses for
males only?


p. 19
I've indicated above the inadequacy of Appendix D.
Last paragraph


p. 21, Line 14

What exactly is the "significant number" of Enewetak
people interviewed?


p. 2]
When will these
Last paragraph


Am data be present?

Select target paragraph3