Dr, Warren stated that announcement of the research
program had been made periodically in the Journal of the

American edical Association and in Seience.

It was his

his belief also that the wide distribution of the special
edition of Nuclear Science Abstracts, which contains material
from the projccts that the Division is primarily interested

in is the dest source of disseminating information on the
rescarch program,

The Committee recommended that a summary of all research
projects that have been approved by the Division be prenarcdad,
including a statement as to the duration of each contract for
consideration at their next mecting.

This summary will

onable them to evaluate the program as to the fields of re~
search that should be considercd in the future,


Committee further recommended that each investigator should

be advised at the time of the inception of his contract that
if the work progresses setisfrc.iorily and worthwhile results
are paramount that he may reasonable expect a renewal of the


This statement would enable each investigator to

plan forward financing of his nrogram.
Foreign Distribution of Padioactive
a a ee

The Director

reviewed the foreign distribution of radioactive isotope
program placing the following statistics in the record con-

cerning the international distribution of radioactive isotopes,




Select target paragraph3