
University of Colorado - Dr, J, R. Lacher - "The Infrared Absorption Spectra of Nucleic Acids, Amino Acids

and Related Compounds" ~ (Trsfd. from OWR) - $5,120;

Original grant - $28,935 - Total $34,055, 7/1/49 to 6/30/50.

To Hanford Office:

University of Oregon - Dr. P. L. Risley — "Localization
of Radioactive Isotopes in Germ Cells and Reproductive

Tissues during Quiescence and Activation" ~ (Trsfd, from

OWR) - $14,000; Original grant - $18,842 - Total $32,842.


Reed College - Drs, A. F. Scott, Hungate and Livermore "Postdoctoral Training in Basic Sciences; Application of
Radioactive Tracer Technique in the Field of Cellular

lietabolism; Biological Synthesis of Pentibond" -— (Trsfd,

from OR) ~ $33,670; Original grant - $32,465 - Total -


Pronosals declined since april 8~9 meeting:


University of Pennsylvania -— Dr. 3, R, long - "Use of


York Uni~Bellevue lNedical Center — Dr. Anthony A. Albanese -

Trace Slements in the Study of ietabolism of M, Tuberculosis",
"Study of the Long Term R2ndiation Sffocts of Internally

Administered Beta “mitters",


Chicago Medical School - Dr Richard G, Roberts - “Storage

of Eemin and Other Hetalloporphyrins in Normal and Neoplastic Tissues",


Biological Leboratory, Inc. ~ Dr, Norman Molomut - "The


Russell Sage College - Dr. Gertrude Heidenthal ~ "Radia-


Battelle Henmorial Institute ~ Dr. K. Starr Chester -


Amherst College ~- Dr, H. FE, Plough ~- "Biochemistry and
Nutrition of Unicellular Crgenisms and the Requirement of

=ffect of Anti-Splenic Tissue Serum in Radiation Damage".
tion Work on the Parasitic Wasp, Habrobracon",

"Monitoring Radiation with Living Plants and Microorganisms
as Detectors",

Varieties or Nutanty Induced by Radiation",

Select target paragraph3