To Santa Fe Office:


Cedars of Lebanon Hospital - Dr. Paul EB, Rekers - "Relationship of Flavanoid Structures to Radiation

Protection" ~ $17,500 - 1 yr. duration,

University of Colorado - Dr, I, Goodman -— "Metabolism of
Wucleic Acid Derivatives" - $28,530 (Trsfd. from ONR) ~

7/1/49 to 6/30/50.


Washington University-Dr, D. Linkin - "Study of Nuclear
Acids, Nacleoprotecin and Nucleotides and Relatcd Organic

Phosphorus Compounds" - $18,000 - 1 yr. duration.


University of Kansas - Dr. 2. E. Stowell - "Cytochemical,
ilicrochemical and Biophysical Study of Tumors and Effects

of Radiation Upon Cells" -~ $36,000 ~ 1 yr. duration.

To Hanford Office:


University of Washington School of Medicine - Dr. C, A,

Finch - "Isotepe Study in Iron Metabolism" - $13,100 iyr. curation.

To ADC, Nashineton, D. C. Office:

National Research Council - "Cataract Investigations" —

S29 ,000,

Proposals extonded since April 8-9 meeting:

To Oak Ridge Office:

Baylor University- Dr. J. 4.


nice Institute ~- Drs, A.

Gast - "Chemistry and

Uetabolism of Some Sulfur Oxides" ~ $13,000; Original
grant $15,200 ~ Total - $28,200 (Trsfa, from ONR)
C. Chandler ard HR. V. Talmadge -

"The Nutrition of Tapeworms, The Physiological Action
of Relaxin in Vammalian Reproduction" - (Trsfd. from ONR) -

$19,700; Original grant 555,850 - Total $55,550 - 7/1/49

to 6/30/50,

To Santa Fe Office:

University of Colorado - Dr. Theodore Puck - "Study of

Bacterivphage and Radiation Mechanisms -(Trsfd. from

ONR) ~ $39,000; Originel grant $46,264 - Total - $85,264



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