Foreign Scicntists at Training Courses at Oak Ridgc.

at Training
Courses at
Oak Ridge

Dr. Warren speke of the interest displayed by foreign
scientists in their attending the Institute of Nuclear

Physics at Oak Ridge for training in techniques for
handling isotopes,
Sonate Appropriation Hearing.


The Director reported on

the hearings before the Senate Appropriation Committee,


stated that it is proposed that the funds allocated to the
ASC will be reduced by 15% and furthermore, if such a
deduction is made, it will be impossible to start the radio-~
diology building at Argonne.

Civil Defense,

The Director told the Committee of the

recent actions of the Division pertaining to Civil Defense;
i.c., 2 letter to the National Sccurity Resources Board with
offer of facilities of ASC that are available, and of the

Veapons Offect Handbook that will give factual information
relating to the atomic bomb ecxnlosion,
The Committee was concerned as to the responsibility

which the Commission considers desirable for them to assume
and they reiterated their request that they would appreciate

definitive clarification on this problem,

The Committee was of the opinion that the Director_of
the Division should discuss the problem with the General
Manager with a view to Dringing this problem to a focus at
an early date.

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