Dr. John R. Totter


April 9, 1969

Situation. I was questioned at length on this subject by the people
and I attempted to explain to them that the small amount of fallout
that they had received had not produced any finding in any one that
was related to fallout exposure. In contrast the Rongelap people had
Significant findings particularly in regard to the thyroid.
compensation was based on fallout effects. However, it is difficult
for them to understand and they continue to argue that since they had

received a "little bit" of fallout they should receive a "Little bit"
of money.

I suppose we made a mistake in not giving the Utirik people a
token payment and perhaps it is not too late to do something about


Perhaps if we could give each exposed person $100(including

the descendant of deceased); I believe this would quiet their
dissatisfaction. These people are very poor and even a very small

amount of money would look big to them. Though we have managed to
maintain fairly good rapport with these people,such a token payment
would probably greatly improve the relationship. The 157 Utirik people
so recompensed would not be a large sum of money.

Third topic - During the survey on Rongelap island, one of the

exposed people,

who owns one of the small northern islands,

Naen, in the northern part of the atoll complains that he is not producing
copra from that island because of fallout effects.
I have visited this
island, and in fact we have made a report on the vegetation, a copy of

which is enclosed. It does appear that these islands are in very poor
condition but not having seen them prior to the fallout it is difficult
to know what they were like before.

claims that he got about

25 bags of copra($75. worth?). I told him that I would mention this
matter to the AEC. I would guess the Trust Territory should be consulted
if anything is done. It is too bad that we never had a good botanical
study of possible fallout effects on Rongelap atoll.

Perhaps John Wolf

might be able to initiate such a study. At one time Jim Brewbaker at
the University of Hawaii was interested in a pollenstudy for detection
of radiation effects.

I hate to worry you with these items but felt that I should bring
them up. If you need any further clarification, please let me know,
With best regards.


Robert A. Conard, M.D.

RAC; jr

Mr. George Milner - Dept. of the Interior

Mr. W. A. Bonnet - AEC, Honolulu _~



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