

Project 22,3 - S-Unit Monitoring and High Explosive Transit Time - C. E. Ingersoll
E, C. Woodward

The technique used for monitoring the S-unit consisted of telemetering
signals from signal sources in the immediate neighborhood of _

(Apache) device by high frequency radiofrequency methods to a receiving and
recording station located on Parry.

The signals were then recorded on

The signal sources were the load ring pulse of the X-unit and the
output of a fluor - photomultiplier detector near the S-unit which measures
both the S-unit output and the gamma rays from the nuclear reaction,
The oscillograph displays consisted of a raster scope display containing
all signals and a linear sweep display on a 517 oscillograph which showed
greater detail of the load ring pulse signal and the S-unit signal,
The results of the measurement are as follows:

Select target paragraph3