Project 9,1 = Technical Photography - Lt Col Jack G. James
Three RB-50 aircraft, Carter 1, 2, and 3, participated on this event.
Aircraft were positioned at 70 nautical miles from ground zero in east,
south and wost quadrants,
20,000 feet.

At H-hour Carter 1 was on orbit east of G2 at

His first 15 minute leg of photography was interrupted at

plus 8 minutes by towering cumulus,
zero starting point.

The aircraft diverted and returned to

A second 15 minute leg was succesaful.

Carter 2,

south of GZ, had an unrestricted view from 20,000 feet from zero time to
plus one hour fifteen minutes,

Three 15 minute photo runs were made,

Carter 3, west of GZ, climbed to 30,000 feet attempting to avoid
natural cloud obscuration but at zero time was in heavy thunderstorm
activity and was unable to photograph either the detonation or the
resulting cloud.
Carter 1 and Carter 2 were favorably positioned for triangulation
photography and results from this mission are expected to be good.

Select target paragraph3