Austin M. Brues, Co-Chairman
Division of Biological and
Medical Research
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois

Arthur C, Upton, Co-Chairman
Biology Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tenneasce
Robert U. Ayres
Hudson Institute, Ine.
Croton-on-Hudson, New York
Leo K, Bustad
Radiobiology Laboratory
University of California


George W, Casarett
Department of Radiation Biology
and Biophysics
University of Rochester
School of Medicine and Dentistry
Rochester, New York.
Robert A. Conard
. Medical Research Center
Brookhaven National Laboratecry

Leung Island,

New York

Jelle de Boer
Department of Radiation Hiclogy
United States Air Force
Kirtland AFB,

New Mexico

R. Lowry Dobson
’ Bio- Medical Division
lawrence Radiation Laboratory
University of California
Livermore, California
Lauren R. Donaldson
College of Fisherics
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
Charles L. Dunham
Division of Medical Sciences
National Research Council
National Academy of Sciences
Washington, D.C.
Merril Eisenbud
Department of Environmental
New York University Medical Center

New York City, New York
John V..Hemler, Lec USA
Office of the Deputy Director
Defense Atomic Support Agency
Washington, D.C,

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