
DASA 2019-2


We have a lot of misinformation,


We don't knuw enough about the eifects of nuclear weapons

on man,

3. We do not have an infinite amount of time and monev to do
something about this lack of knowledge.
4. We need priorities, not only in tie biological or medical
sciences, but priorities in terms of all scientific purauit.

We do not live ina vacuum, nor canwe.

We need each


These anterdisciplinary study groups, with follow-up research sugResttous,

may be the Leginning in providing sume answers and may

tveatually prevent a holocauat.
Jeasi [like to think it ce not.

It is not an impossible task, at

TAYLOR: I'm fed Taylor. [ spent most of the war going to Cal
Tech aw a Navy apprentice seaman, After the war was over I went
to the University of California, and in 1949 [ went to Los Alamos
and spent seven or eight years there working on the design of nuclear
weapons. From there lL went to General Atomic in San Diego at about
the time it was formed and spest «ix or seven years there, mostly
promoting a scary proyect that many oeople didn't like: propelling
big apace vehicles by a series of wuclear explosions, From General
Atornc [went to the Pentagon and worked two years in DASA, It
was at that point that somehow several people siumnultaneously got
on to the idea that a collection of people more or tess like tnis group
here was a gond collection to get together, probably several times
aver qute a lung time.
The main sorts of things that [had in mind in thinking aoout this
had to do with possible things that the Defense Department might do
that it was not doing and that would be the result cf more detailed
understanding of what the long-range effects of various types of nuclear war might be.

I still Selieve that there are some things that

would Le rational things to du that are not now being done and that
are difficult to do without knowing more about what the long- range

effects might be.
The kinds of things I have in mind are such things
as changing the way in which missiles are targeted so that, for example, instead of mostly going off on the grovad, they would go cff in
the air in such a way as to produce ednentially nevligible local fallout
but would disperse the fission products all aver the atmosphere, IL
don't know of anyone who has said that he thinks it's clear which type

Select target paragraph3