WARREN: Well, it came down in the rain but it was uplifted from
the layoon, In retrospect it was very interesting but at the time it
was pretty rugged.
CASARETT: U'n George Casarett, After undergraduate studies
at the University of Toronto I came back to Rochester, which is my
home town, and went to work in Staff Warren's b:o- physics cisision
in the Radiology Department at the medical school there, [also did
my graduate studies in the medical scenool there. | was one of those
who was infected by Dr. Warren's enthusiasm for research. Then
I worked in the Manhattan Project Laboratory at Rochester and subsequently inthe AEC Atumic Energy Project which became the Department of Radiation Biology and then later the Department of Radiation Llology and Biophysics, in which lama Professor, [havea
section of radiation pathology in that department and also in the Radiation Therapy Division of the Radiology Department,
MILLER: Lam Robert Miller, and lLarrived in Rochester after
Dr. Warren had left, too late to benefit from his presence,
Lam a pediatrician by birth, and upon completion of my training
in that discipline, [ spent a post-doctoral year sponsored by the
Atomic Energy Commission, which waa trying to fill doctors quickly
with knowledge about radiation medicine. I then had to enter the
Army, which did not know what to do with me. So they assigned me
to AFSWP, the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, which [
understand is now DASA.
Subsequently, I went to the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission in
pediatrics and later ina study of the effects of inbreeding on child

That experience led me to epidemiology, whatever that means,

and to the National Cancer Institute where I arn in charge of the Epi-

demiology Branch,
FREMONT-SMITH: Jelle, you tell us a jittle oit about how you got
involved in the very beginning of this, too.
DE BOER: [don't know where to start. Jelle is the name, It comes
from “yellow, [have been told. [have never been at the Nevada Test
Site. These past couple of months, i have reviewed what happened at
the Bikini tests, and read quite a lot about what occurred during the
“Lucky Dragon’ incident. This is not why lam here. [am here hbecause Lam working with a group of young people who are instrumental

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