visit each other, have shared experiences and even have worked together on a common problem from different disciplinary points of
view, In many respects this is perhaps the most rewarding aspect
of these conferences, that is, the human relations that take place in
the rocm.
Well, I've talked too much already; { thought [ would be interrupted
again before jong, but lL wasn't. So now, Austin, [turn it back ta you
and Arthur,

[think there are some other questions that need not be


Do you want to name them?

BRUES: Such as what is the consequence of deleting the question
and including the answer or deleting the answer and including the


terrible difficulty.

The editor's responsibility is to deal with that

BRUES: We come next to the self-introduction of participants. We
feel that it's useful for everyone here to hear a description of cach of
the other participants in his ownterms, I would sugyest, in order to
simplify this, that we start at one place and proceed around the table.
May [ask Dr. Bustad to snake his self-introduction and then we will
proceed counterclockwise,
FREMONT-SMITH: We would like you to tell us a little bit about
who you are and howyuu got that way.

My name is Leo Bustad, and lama Professor of Radia-

tion Biology at the University of California at Davis in the Physiological Sciences Department, [Lam also Director of the Radiobiology
Laboratory, Prior to coming there two years and thirty-four days
ago | spent sixteen years at the GE Company, Hanford Laboratories,
which was taken over by the Battelle Northwest,

aaa PRL AEA Souke4d


SPEAR: There's a certain risk of being repetitious to those who
were here before and aiso to those who were not and who found

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