. ve we OT

for the past ten years and though improvement in children's growth has
resulted and the medication is necessary to maintain normal thyroid state
in the surgical cases, it
new tumors from developing.

is questionable if the treatment is preventing
The observed incidence of thyroid tumors in

the exposed Marshallese is considerably higher than might be expected
from their exposure to 131, alone.

Calculated on a per rad basis, the

observations are more consistent with risks after x-irradiation.


explanation is thought to be that many of the shorter lived isotopes of
radioiodine present in the fallout may have a higher biological effect
than 131,


In 1972, a Rongelap man developed acute leukemia -quite

likely due to radiation exposure.: He had been exposed at one year.of=~

In spite of the best possible treatment, at the Hospital of the

National Cancer Institute, he died.

This unfortunate death, together

with the development of thyroid abnormalities, have been the cause of
some anxiety among the_ Rongelap people. Continued Monitoring:-

Our medical team is conducting annual assess-

ment of radiological hazards to personnel returning to live on these atolls.
This is being accomplished by radiochemical analysis of urine, diet, water
and by whole-body gamma spectroscopy.

The results of personnel monitoring

at Bikini over the past four years have been encouraging with body burdens
of people living on Bikini considerably below those of the Rongelap people.
A letter to this effect was recently sent to the District Administrator of
the Marshalls for reassurance of the returning Bikini people.

One of our

most pressing problems for personnel monitoring both on Bikini and Eniwetak
is the é@ssessment of the plutonium hazard.

Our personnel monitoring is co-

ordinated with the monitoring of the environment which is done by a Brookhaven



Select target paragraph3