Mr. Hamlet J. Barry, III



5 14

In order to proceed with a commitment for the future operation of
EML, the AEC would require a reasonable assurance that (1) the

airfield would remain operational and that some provision for at
least weekly flights from Kwajalein or elsewhere would be assured;
(2) that fresh water and electricity would be provided; and (3) that
accommodations for the visiting scientists, presumably dormitoryhotel accommodations, with food service, would be available on the
Island at reasonable cost.

The above is substantially what was discussed with the Enewetak
Council on March 15 at Majuro by Mr. Roger Ray of the AEC and Dr.
Philip Helfrich of the University of Hawaii. These discussions
were intended as an initial overture of a proposed plan to the
Enewetak people. They were not intended to be in any way binding
on any party, and it is expected that further discussions should
take place to work out details of the proposal. We look forward
to the Enewetak people's response and to further discussions on

this matter.


oy nel Signed by

Roger Ray, Assistant Manager
for Operations

As stated ©


Dr. W. 0. Forster, DBER, HQ

Dr. Charles L. Osterberg, DBER, HQ
Dr. Philip Helfrich, HIMB, Kaneohe, HI
Oscar DeBrum, DistAd, Majuro, MI

aS B. Hills, AEC/PASO

W. R. Coops, Administrator, RCUH,
Honolulu, HI
John Bardach, HIMB, Kaneohe, HI


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