
1. In the transition from TG 132.1 to TG 7.1 several changes in organization


Effective 1 February 1953, Joint Task Force 132 was redesignated

as Joint Task Force SEVEN and all Task Groups were redesignated ‘accordingly. (1)
There were no immediate changes in the mission of either Task Force or Task

Concurrent with redesignation of the Task Group a reorganization

became effective.

On 29 January 1953, Dr. William E. Ogle was appointed as

Commander, TG 132.1(2), thereby relieving Mr. Stanley W. Burriss who was
terminating his association with the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.


Ogle, as former commander of Task Unit I (Scientific Programs) and Scientific
Deputy for the IVY operation, was obviously well-qualified to assume comand
of the new Task Group.

The positions of Scientific Deputy, Chief of Staff,

and all Assistant Chiefs of Staff, were eliminated.
Administration was establishea(3),

A Deputy Commander for

The deletion of the Scientific Deputy

permitted l2 different Task Units direct access to the Commander, which was

agreeable to Dr. Ogle, since he considered that most of the Task Unit Conmanders

would require little technical assistance. In addition, Dr. Ogle felt that
any technical help he required would come fram these same unit comanders ~
or his advisory etare(*) °


TwX 178 Hq JIF SEVEN, 29 Jan 53; J-Div Files, 016.1 CASTLE, also
Ltr Jo15932, 2 Feb 53, Subj: “Redesignation of Joint Task Force 132”,
RSI, same file. .

(2) Gofh, Hq JIF 132, 29 Jan 53.
(3) GO #1, Ha TG 132.1, 29 Jan 53, “Staff Assignments", J=Div files. 016.1 CASTLE

_ (4) Meeting Notes, J-Div, 16 Jan 53, File J-15921, J-Div file


Select target paragraph3