
Anijer stoma of dcostivatien was the mesnoalling of the TU-2

evyogenics piam and esscciated equipmint.

Besause of developments in the test

progrem rhich removed the reaquiresemt for the activity, the plant wes shut dorm,
and the decisicn was RECO to cendition it for storage "as is" rather than dise
rsantle the equiment.





. Adninistrative work ccatimed as usuel with principal activity being in
the Headouzrters Camandants Office, there perscnnel were preceszed for the return
to the Z.I.

Threugh the noath of Mzy, planned moverents fren nnizetok totalled

50, vie air and 10 via water.

On 1 May a new list of people autharized to release

TG 7.1 messages within the EniwetokeBilcind areas ves issued» Vost of the 7,1
filed record meterial was shipped from ‘the PPG vis SAK flight (58) 16 May 5h.
| These flights carried 25 TG 7.1 personnel and 19 boxes of office records fran
Jel, J-3, Jo6, Tt, and TU-7.

Tho TG 7,1 mail roca concluded its functicas on


19 Hay She
Be Decorations and Awards

In order to give recognition to participants in the overseas test program

tho contribcted in en outstanding manner to its success, recammendatims for 266
everds and decorations were prepared and lettors and certificstes were disttributed
2s lieted belewz in accordense with a Oty/SEVEN directive:




JF=7747, Subj:

Ucthballing of Equirmaxt Now in Progress, CCN’, 19 Apr 54

(54) dF-7899, end JF-7913, Subj: Planned Personnel Movement, 26 Apr 54 (Ref
RCS 7-LD-E6)


JP-6U,8, Sebj:

Rolease of TG 7.1 Mossaves within EninctokeBilcing Avea, 1 May 54


JF-£240, Subj:

Return of Reserds to Les Alemos, 5 Uay 54 (CU0)(SAM N plus 2)



91. Sen £2

Panrannel Nmoretsame and Awards

Select target paragraph3