H, Logistics



The voli-u> at Eltcini was completed by 12 May, and equir-cnt at

Enivetok was prepsred fer return to the ZI.

Various plans were meade


to cover moviment of property back to haze stations, At a conferume

(45) (46) (47) (4

it was

detcrmined thet four cargo ships would step et Eniwetcok to load CASTLE material for
the ZI,

As individual projects concluded their ork, Je, coordinated and assisted

im preraring their eouiment for return shipment.

(50) (51) (52)


(45) JF-£036, Subj: T9-4 and TU-1, Usterial to be Returnedto ZI on USS CURTISS,

29 Apr 51, SECRET RD



JF=33L9, Subj: Leading List ef TU~4 and TU-l, for USS CURTISS, SECRET BD

(47) JF-7695, Subj: Roll-Up Requirements, Rengerik Atoll, CONF, 21 Apr 5h
(43) J¥F=7959, Subj: Camumication Equip-snt Roll-Up (describes desposition of
radios on atolls and ships).

OUO 29 apr 54

(49) JF-8176, Meno for record, Trahsportztion Conference at dei, schedules for
four ships, 1 May 5h

(50) JF~8086, Subj: Roll-Up of TU-9, 30 Apr 54, OUO
(51) JF-8355, Subj: Roll-Up of Office Equipment end Supplies, uncl, & May 54


(52) JF=8465, Subj: Return of Records to Los Alamos, OUO, 12 May Sh

Select target paragraph3