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Top Secret Control Officers were appointed within TG 7.1, 1ith the aim

of establishing a TSCO within each unit of the Group tht held docunents classified

TOP sucium72) The announcecent of these appointments also containedinstructions
relative to:


_ Secret Controls,

personnel having access to TOP SECHE? information, b. review of Top


using cover sheet on DOD documents classified SECRET, d. au th-

ority to classify SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL information, and e.

removal of documents

classified SECKLT or CONFIDINTIAL from security areas.


Inventories of TO? SECRET documents were made by custodians, and forml

reports made, upon request by AG/S E-2 of 1G 7.5699) (94)

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JF-3869, kepository Control xegistration, 15 Feb 54, UNCL
JF-4633, implementation of the Revisions of AEC Security Bulletins - @-SHC-5

and sF-SIC-20, 5 war 54, V0

(93) JF-4860, Inventory of 10P SECHET Documents, iU-1, 8 ar 54, SLORET RD

JF-4862, Inventory of 10P SECRET Documents, 8 Mar 54, SLCRET RD

Select target paragraph3