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Flanning for movenent of personnel to the ZI wes started 12 February rhe

a reno was issued ‘92? to all ssctions requesting them to submit their proposed travel
recuirenents chronologically as indicatcd eon attached forms.

A later meno ®) establi shed

procedures for returning personnel to ZI, and specified hen exceptions could be sade,

‘in confirmation of oral agreements previously discussed.



Security activities as outlined in CJTF SEVEN directives were carried on

in the forward area by J-l in close coordination with AC/S E-2 of T¢ 7.5.


were made to certify to the TG 7.5 Sadge Office the clearances of 7.1 personnel who


arrived prior to their badge requests, cmd this coordination was of m terial assistance
in many cases, especially after Tivo.


The maintenance of a chronological log of security measures was required of

each Task Unit by CTG 7.124) retroactive to

Nov 53.

‘ihe memo used contained instruc-

tions and 6 szmple record form,

iames of persons requiring access to the various exclusion areas were

submitted to CI! 7.5 or to AC/S E-2, 1G 105597)some lists wese furnished from the ZI
prior to 1 January, but in most cases lists were compiled after project personnel
arrived in the forward area and became oriented.


Lh. Letters of authorization were issued by the Task Group Commander as required ©
to(86) enable personnel to carry classified documents, film, and photo equipment to and

from, and within, the PPG.

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JF-3718, Planning for Liovezent to Rear Area, 11 Feb 54, SECHET


JF~5836, Return of TG 7.1 Personnel to ZI, 20 Mer 54, OUO


JF-3471, Log of Security Measures, 4 Feb 54, OUO


Sample: JF-3726, ixchange Bedge Access Lists, und Ferscns authorized to Sign


Temporary Exclusion Arca rermits, 9 Feb 54, S2CHT



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