- 206


PPG Functions

The Headzuarters Commandant office of J-1 became operational at PARRY in

rovenber 1953 to process incacing personnel.

January 1954.

The J-1 office opened at PARRY in nide

The requirenent for a staff duty officer to be available at Hq 7G 7.1


during all non-duty hours was established.

Instructions provided for a duty

roster for TG 7.1 staff officers and staff civilians then at PARrY, and described
Cuties am? special instructions.


‘this was accompanied by a similar document pertain

ing to Duty non-commissioned officerss™) (69) At BRAVO muster, at 1800, Be2, 494
persons were present at Bikini, distributed appracimately thus; uvLtili 262, NAtw 90,
HOLURIKKU 55, NYU 75, afloat 12.

Upon evacuation, shore based people were distribuzed

to ships in approximately these proportions:

SAIROKO 65, other 14.


CURTISS 108, ESTES 70, AINS..Gi.TH 235,


Silleting of perscnnel had presented no serious problems until BRAYU, when

on B day it became evident thet Hikini shore housing was no longer available and the

four larger ships returned to Eniwetok.

All personnel who hed been shore based at

Hikini debarked to reorganize, and Farry Teland facilities were suddenly crowed beyond
all planned capacities.

Hy utilizing any reasonable acceptable space such as recreation

buildings, beach clubs, storage buildings, etc., by sending a maximum number (permitted

by availabletransportation) to the zI, and moving others aboard ship for continuing
operations at Budnt,: this crisis was overcome, and in approximately a@ week normal
conditions prevailed,

During the night of B’plus 1, esTes with about 65 passengers,

‘and BALHOKO with about 3U passengers, noticed to Bikini lagoon to conduct recovery cperations.

AINSCUKIH with about 90 passengers and CURTISS with about 60, returned on

the nights of B plus 3 and B plus 4 respectively.


Ji-3030, Staff Duty Ufficers Instructions, 22 Jan 54, UO


JF-4985, Staff bury ufficers Instructions, 9 car 54, UNCL.


JF-3131, vuty Non-Conrissioned ufficers Instructions, 22 Jan 54, UUU


Select target paragraph3