In a report to JTF seven’) these items were thronoloctcelly listed and itemized for '
the period 1 Larch - 31 kay.

This listing excluded items tobe retucned via USS CURTISS,

YAG 39, YAG 40, photo planes, and SA for documents.

fractically all itexs listed were

for return via surface transpcrtation.


J supply vans at Bikini were located on ININEAN from 1-- 15 January, on

KAD from 16 January ~ 26 February.

un 6 arch their contents were moved into Shop 18

on the USS CURTISS, which rem-ined the center of supply at Bikini for the balance of
the period.

‘he vans were moved at PARRY, minwetok, on 10 Larch for use in roll-up work.
after BRAVO J-4 implemented special efforts to recover essential equipment

and property, including perscnal effects, from damaged shore sites\©5 ) Due to the wide-

spread darage, large wuantities of supplies and replacenent equipment were airlifted '

from ZI during March. During Larch 3 to 13 about 30 large van type trailers and about
1000 measurement tons of equipment were evacuated from Hikini and taken to Eniwetok by

LST. Space aboard several ships, all available transportation within the atoll and to
nnivetok, and the rotation of J-4 personnel, were all utilized to expedite recovery to

the maximum permitted by conditions of radiological safety. Upon arrival at Iniwetok,
recovered items were assenbled,. sorted, and restored to owners or using project as soon

as possible.

Items of unsafe radiological condition were stored in the TU-7 decontan-

ination area for treatment or disposition.

There were several knorm incidents of ~

pilferage during the period of recovery, transportation, and return of property to
owner, otherwise the recovery was carried out satisfactorily.


JF-3873, Roll-up Cargo Keport, 15 eb 54, LUO


JF-4732, J-4 activities, 4 Mar 54, SiChLT

Select target paragraph3