- 15-6


The intensity of opsrations precezing BRAVO, and especially during the edjustment

period imneviately theroafter, brought é deluge of high priority traffic.


jammed fecilities and ren.ered the priority system almost totally ineffective.


‘one week during which a traffic survey was conducted, 78% of the traffic handled
by USS ESTES wan "Pricrity" or higher.

As a result, all sections of TG 7.1 were

cautioned (94) to select proper message precedence.




Transportation of personnel was handled jointly by J-1 and J-3.


Eniwetok, J-3 scheduled all intra-atell and kadwetoke-Bikind air and surface travel,
and effected ccordination with operating units,

J=-1 scheduled all air and surface


transportztion to the ZI and iwajelein, At Bikini J-3 handled all transportation to
points outside the Atoll.

Ship travel between :niwetok and Bildini was sporadic until

mid-Februery, nhen one ship departed from each atoll each night.

Usually DD, LST,

or aTF craft were used, plus the larger ships on occasions in connection with detonation dates.



The Eniwetok-Bikijni airlift experienced a great increase in utilization

during the month of January, end at a conference held 12 January by representatives

from TG 7.1, TG 7.4, TG 7.5, it was agreed to schedule four flights daily each way.
the flights leaving Eniwetok Island st 0830 and 1330 each day were to fly every day;

the others could be cancelled if not needed.

‘The tvo-a-day was begun ebout 15 Janvary,

_ and provided adequate service. The everage. daily number of passengers carried in
Janusry was 31; in Pebruary, 46.

Addttdoken flights were made then required, and all

flignts were grounded for shert periods when use of the Bikini airstrip at LYINUAN
res not advisable?” )


JF-3218 Standard Operating Frocedure for Ininetok-Eikini C-+,7 Shuttle

Select target paragraph3