
Cons:.dsration was given to tre revision cf yield estates for hater devices,
revised data to be made know. when available.

A RG@‘EO check rict!*4) snereded LOVe—

g2nt of YaG 39 amd YaG 40, transportation of personnel and esuipment, and s-nle

| 1200.

A SOON check rist\? ) similarly covered thet event from 0800 on K-3 toy

A further change to the remaining schedule was issued an 29 rarch (26) eLimin-

‘ating all definite detonation dates to achieve greste: flexibility.

Situationswere |

foreseen in which devices at bikini and Lniwetok sould be made ready simultaneously,
and either one could be used, depending or which site had the more favorable weather.

4 detailed evacuuticn plan for znivetok ator! 27) cited responsibility for energency
evacuation as that of CIG 7.5, except in the case of inivetok Island, mhere CIG 7.2
is responsible.

An evacuaticn plan‘) gop the ECHO event contained a chronological’

listing of 7&6 items, starting at 0730 on im3 and ending at 2330 on tel.

‘the ships

CURTISS and ESTES were to be availeble for use as needed.

Supplementing Annex 0 of the basic Operation Flan, Sample Returns, a.detailed

_ plan wes issued on 13 February's?) setting forth the concept of the schene, .and

respective responsibilities of CJIF SEVIN, CTG 7.1, ClU-7 of 7.1, CIG 7.3, CIG7.4.












JF-4870, ROMEO Check List, iniwetok atoll, 9 Lar 54, COM

(25) JF-6269, KOON Check List, Enimetok Atoll, 30 liar 54, CONF

(26) JF~6235, change No. 4 to C1G 7.1 Cperations Plan No. 2-53, 29 Mar 54, SECRET RD
. (27)

JF-688h, Fall-Out Evacuation Flan for inivetok Atoll, 1 Apr 54, OUO


JF-7012, ECHO Evacuation, Apperdsx III to Annex N, CTG 74 Operation Plan No. 1-535


JF-3844, Overall hadiution Semple Keturn, 13 Feb 54, SCRIT

Select target paragraph3