Contents usually included a shronological list of events, the responsibility end
specific task of each participzting unit, the nanes of participating ships, and the
coordinating officer.

Nos. 1 and 2 scheduled practice operaticns which confirmed

the feasibility of bargs oper-ations by moving a special device fromthe TU, assexbly

building on ELWER to its sit? on CHAMLIL, bikini, and by moving a dumy device via
barge from the assenbly area to Bikini lagoon.

No. 3 described the BRAVO evacuation

plan, from Be5 thru 1900 on 3-1, including time sigals.

No. 4 scheduled novenent of ”

a@ special device via LST from Inivetok to bikini, its transfer to LW, and ultimate
delivery to a site on CH.:RLIE.


No. 5 listed details of a barge handling exercise at

No. 6 contained the schedule for the LixW0 rehearsal on a Tesk Force scale,

using ships, aircraft, and facilities to the most complete extent possible without °
actually interfering with the preparetory mission.

lKo..7 described the movement of

a barge via LSD from kniweto lagoon te Bikind lagoon.

Nos. & amd 9 were general

planning outlines for the RCMEO end OCH events, respec sively.
KCON recovery operations.

No. 10 described

Tris wes not followed closely, in that some of the missions

scheduled for plus 2 were accomlished on plus 1, while because of an intensely high
contumination over a small avea, others were not completed until plus 3.

No. Il

scheduled the movement of a barge via LSD from Lniwetok to its ultimate mooring at

Bikini, and the positioning of the USS CURTISS nearbyfor support. ‘No. 12 listedevents preparatory to detonating RAMROD on 1UBY, Eniwetek.

This date vas left flex-

ible, to permit prior firing of UNION, if such appeared advisable.

for evacuation was to be maintained, although

The capability

no evacuation was anticipated,

b. ‘In addition to the sper Letters, other plans involving oper-.
| ations were projected as changes to the basic Operation Flan, or as separate documents.

To coordinate the planning of the several units involved, a letter(U4)listed arrival
of ships, rehearsals, actual movenents of special equipment through the period

1 January to 10 February 54.

This was supplenented by a similar paper 15)pertaining


JF-2795, Key Gperatioral ivents, 12 Jan 54, SCRT kD



dF-+3002, B305, Special Requirexents for TU-4, 20-30 Jan 54, dtd 20 Jan 54 CO.

Select target paragraph3