

involved, and other similar operational considerations, H&N or Navy boats were
dispatched to satisfy requiriments.

J-3 handled requests for boat transportation

at Bilcind and also between Likini enti iniwetok.

Staff personnel were usually

rotated betreen :niwetok and Eikini offices at inte:vals of two to four weeks .



A resuirenent for TG 7.1 space aboard’ the USS ESTES was made firm by a

“nemo!describing the need fcr 65 officer billets, 15 enlisted billets, and certain
parts of the Flag Deck and Second Deck as specified.

lr. kelly, J-l, was named


coordinator of these head.,uarters facilities, and LT hoberts was named coordinator °
of radio facilities aboard.

Immediately after the BRAVO detonation, additional

operational requirements arose, and the office space was expanded to include all of
Fleg Plot.

TU-l and TU-13 installed radio facilities in two cabins which were used

for offices as well as living space.

Selientific personnel lived in work camps located according to their area

of principal interest.

after BRAVO they were quartered aboard the four larger ships.

- An effort was made to house ey project personnel on the LSTES, convenient to the

TG 7.1 Bikini headquarters.

Feople requiring laboratory or ship facilities were

aboard CURTISS, where shop space was available.

Kost of the people lived aboard

AINSTORTH because of its larger number of Living accommodations. BATROKO was used
mostly as a junction point for helicopter travel. Immediately prior to an event, .
some scientific personnel moved eboard BAIKOKO in order to start recovery missions

with minimum delay; betwean events, few TG 7.1 people other than Rad-Safe and J~3
personnel lived there.



JF-3555, TG 7.1 Space ard iquipment Requirerents Aboard USS ESTES (AG~12)

6 Feb 54 (CONF)

Select target paragraph3