


C.° The contjzgencies of urcvailing weather during this period, and similar
matters of interest but not vithin the jurisdiction of CTG 7.1, are nct included
in this report.

Activities cf the verious scientific units are covered in separate

eports to be submitted to CIG 7.1 when available, and are not discussed herein.
‘The following text is designed to cover matters that were not described in TG ToL

_uperétion Plan No. 1-53 including its scientific Appendix 1, .imex C, the CNC Book.



Organization and Losaticn

1. - The J-3 section was based at the TG 7.1 headquarters on Perry Island,
' Enivetok, with a brench office on Eninmen Island, bikini.

After CHAVO the Bikini


office was maintained eboard USS LSTLS, with additional representation aboard


‘he J-3 office at iniwetok

worked closely with J-3Bikird in coordinm ting operational requirenents and
essuring their completion.

Helicopter requirements at Eikini rere made known to

J-3 on BALROKO, who consolideted the requests when possible, then coordinated the

required missions with the ship's aircraft operations officer and the ship's
commander, who then caused aireraft and pilots to be dispatched.

Usually, the pilot

assigned to each mission was briefed by the. J-3 in the presence of a ship's oper,
ations officer and the passergers on the mission, if any, immediately before takeoff.
Thus it was assured that all participating personnel understoodthe mission as well
as was possible at the time.

‘The briefing Ancluded a rad-safe ran, if appropriate.-

’ Zoat requirements at Bikini rere made soon to J-3 on .STIS,, who could, in problem
cases, achieve coordination through a committee containing representatives of JTF,

TG 7.1, 7G 7.3, 167.5 inclucing HAN. Normally, J-3 transmitted requirenents to a
boat office on AINSOTH, where a TC 7.3 boat pool dispatcher and e Holmes and
narver marine supervisor ccoperated to zccozplish the missions.

sLased on the

location of the mission and availeble tests, bout crevs fariliarity with the area


Select target paragraph3