
get aboard a helicopter.

‘Ihe contaninztion of Bikini land ereas vhero work for sub-

sequent tests had to be performed meant that all personnel must be céerefully checked
by the rad-safety organization, which caused additional delays and smetines detours
of personnel to pass the rac-sefety check points.

the camp structures at ENINUAN suffered severe blast damaze fromthe detonation _

GE 20 event) onl arch 1954. ‘this indicated that the instrumentation for
i: ENINUAN vould be damuged by barge shots at the nearer locations off
the HOMURIXKU chain.

‘thus it appeared necessary to reschedule the tests subsequent

Gi: soon as possible, certainly before the barge shots

off nOXURIKKU. since (xocv event) could not de readied in time to be the
2nd ono was scheduled as nurber 2, but was relocuted from the.
HOLURIKKU barge position to a burge in the crcter 1cQD i order to be at

a safer distance fram ENINUIN. SE <= scheduled as number 3, so that it

ight (EScnton vent) Sy (axes event) any one of which

vould probably denageIY UNION event on April 26 confirmed
the soundness of this rescheduling by blasting or washing the remnant

pipes off sNIN:AN Island.



this rescheduling of all shots and re-locating (ES covers problems
for the experimental projects.

rrogram 15, for example, set up a station on ACUOEN

to be used for the basge shots off ROMURIKKU.

the equi;ment was test-run on bravo,

although the distance togreund zero was considered excessive.

then it ves decided to

use the Bravo zero point for Komeo also it was doubtful whether satisfactory results
could be achieved.

sy modification of éeipoent during the period between Bravo and

Raneo, a satisfactory experiment was performed and data obtained.

Select target paragraph3