A. Administration,including Security



Le The procurement of temporary military personnel wes necessary
because of the reduction of permanent personnel from the originally

requested strength. ‘It was found that 48 RadSafety persomel and

27 clerical personnel wouldbe required.


CJTF SEVEN approved the

use of TDy personnel, provided CTG 7.1 could handle ‘ad recruiting
other than Red Safety and sssignnent activities,


Menbers of J-1

visited HqFourth Army, Ft McClellan, Ft Hliss andother bases
and were sable to obtain the tentative sssignnent of the required


we eee

qualified personel, forperiods of § to 7 onthe, ‘This was
ee oe be

time-consuming and voluntary insofar as ‘the“furnishing agencies .
were concerned except for Rad Safety persomel. Itis recommended

that in sintler clroustancesinthe future, OJTF SEVEN arrange gtae


for each service teAngus’‘spprepriate directives requiring


subordinate headquarterstofuraishTypersonnels |2, The filling ofofficer‘requisitions has beenretarded bytthe
recent reduction of officer strengths in a services, This Group
has Lost three Aruy, tao avy and one Air Force, officers thereby.
Training and other functions. eve been disturwed somewhat, but the

overall effort has not been materially affected.

The voluntary early release policy for enlisted men has caused

no inconvenience to the Task Group although it has to the enlisted
men concerned.

Because of the impossibility of procuring Q cleared

replacements within the available time only one enlisted man will

Select target paragraph3