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5. Scheduling: During this period the schedulesremaine@

sound reasons:

The National Emergency Capability Program which might well dictate

the order of priority of shots.

OMe for


The factor of yields and their radiological effect which might endanger
the health of a large number of personnel in the Forward Area.


Ce A continued study to determine which order of tests would provide


“the greater amount of diagnostic information with the test facilities
already under construction in the Forward Area.


Forward Area real-estate limitations vhich must be considered for Post

" CASTLE tests.
6. Operations Personnel: During thie period the key operations personnel
to augnent the operational séction reported for duty. Orientation to the
operational problem was the biggest factor these officers faced during this .


They included a staff specialist for experiments involving aircraft,

one for veepons/devices aseeitbly and timing, one for diagnostic experimentation

not involving aircraft, etc.



The Supply and Property Division, LASL, augmented by TG 71

military personnel? handled all supply and shipping matters for the Group.
Several of ‘their men gained’ additional experience in this work during the
Nevada tests, Winter and Spring of 1982, in addition to their work in warehouses

and stockrodms at LASL. In agreement with JIF, it was determined that only:


one consignee designator, ‘scr, would be used. during CASTLE, replacing the forme
list of more than thirty designators;
JTF was begun in May.

PPG for use at Bikini.

air water cargo requirements reporting ©

A complete stockroom, primarily mobile, was moved to

Plans were made for a new stockroom, shipping and

receiving building to be completed on Parry Island in November.

This will be

a permanent structure, and will be used for storage between tests.

Select target paragraph3