
June - September 1953:

Meeting of all project officers: ‘



This meeting on 23, 24 June

1953 included the projects officers of the DOD, LASL and UCRL experimental

The meeting proved to be the medium by which objectives and methods

of the respective projects and their concomitant operational requirements were
presented by the project or program officer.

(In brief, this was the first

time that the operational problem presented by the experimenters became known

‘to the Task Group organization.)

‘Thereafter operational portions of status

reports kept these requirements current.

The basic research necessary for the

publication of a document describing the projects was initated subsequent to

this meeting (ONO Book).

Specific support requirenents: As a result of studying the specific

problems presented by the project officers and the overall detonation plan

of weapons/devices it was possible to initiate specific requirements for the
support of the (divergent) experimentation and each weapon/device.


included such items as specislly modified LCU'’s, LCM's barges, aircraft, etc.

Certain time scales became known which permitted the establishment ofphasing .
charts as applicable to weapons/devices assembly and certain of the more


complicated experiments.

A "Concept* of CASTLE wes issued in June 1952 13),etting forth general |

plans pertaining to the carry-over of personnel » relative scope compared with


(12) IR J-18148, 27 May 53, From CTG 7.1 to Project officers, TG 7.1, Subj:
“Project Officer's Conference".



Ltr J-12350, 23 June 1952, from CTG 132.1 to Distre Subject: “General

Concept - Operation CASTIE".

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