
UCRL Participation:

The advent of UCRL's participation in CASTLE

placed a requirement on this division to make certain récommendations
as to that Laboratory's integration into the Scientific Task Group.
This integration had to be accomplished with considerati on that UCRL
would be in a position Post CASTLE to conduct overseas operations
independent of LASL.

Prior to final decisions on this subject, several |

joint orientation periods were held at doth UCRL and LASL.


responsibility for two of the CASTLE shots and certain diagnostic

experiments connected with these and other shots remained firm
throughout the period.

Military Support Conferences:

It became known in the early part of

the period that the only means of handling shot barges was by the use
‘of LSD's.

This Task Group expressed concern to the Joint Task Force

over the effect that the barge movements would have on the Navy Boat
Pool support normally provided by the LSD. It was recommended by this
Task Group that serious consideration be given to the procurement of

an additional LSD to support CASTILE.

It became apparent that one LSD

would have to suffice, therefore, attention was given to providing "
additional facilities for the support of the boat pool during the
absence of the LSD and obtaining the best possible schedules of barge
movement so as to give minimum interference to boat support.



estimated boat, vehicle, helicopter and liaison aircraft requirements,
were submitted to Joint Task Force besed on the then available experimental
scope and experience factors obtained on previous overseas tests.
(The requirements for support to be rendered by major elements, such
as the USS CURTISS and the USS ESTES, were founs

straight-forward. )


Select target paragraph3