

A preliminary investigation into the CASTLE requirements

of the Scientific Task Group was conducted utilizing the experience of
Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier as well as lessons learned on previous —

An early agreement was reached that this contractor should

plan on procuring and eventually operating a Forward Area communication
link between Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls and in addition provide radio

equipment for inter-island support.

This problem received the coopera-

tion and understanding of the J-5 of HQ JIF SEVEN and immediate steps
were taken to meet the requirement.

all communications planning:

Three basic considerations governed

rapid and reliable means of communications,

security, and avoidance of interference.

Sampling Aircraft:


A number of conferences were held to determine

the scope of sampling activities necessary and the type of bomb debris
samples to be procured.

These conferences resulted in a compilation

of the entire sampling problem with recommendations as to altitudes

desired and was placed in the form of a study forvarded to Joint. Task

The close cooperation of staff officers of the air Task Group

was of material assistance in this problem.


Department of Defense Participation:


Through representatives of Armed

Forces Special Weapons Project the Department of Defense presented ita

plan of participation with a view of conducting a military effects
program in connection vith CASTLE.

Because of the limited information

on specific yields and locations this DOD participation was initially
presented in a broad form of objectives.

Subsequent to this presentation,

all discussions at the laboratory which focused towards final determination

of specific shot}’ yields and locations took into
planning objectives of the DOD programs.

Select target paragraph3