



specific problem it was imperative that major military support items be
requested in order to insure their participation.

Therefore, a meeting was

hela with the Joint Task Force personnel in February to transmit LASL's

“best guess" on the scope of CASTLE and the magnitude of eupport required.


The balance of the period was characterized by a series of conferences

with objectives to agree on the nature and scope of the scientific programs
and to study the ramifications of the major operational problems.

Use of

. barges, availability and accessibility of real estate, and construction

problems, limit the number and type of experiments that can be accomplished.
Those conferences included subjects such as:



It was imperative that the sub-contractors be introduced


to the initial plan so that not only the Forward Area cryogenics plant

support would be needed? ‘These conferences resulted in specific
contract negotiations between the AEC and the respective firms. A
‘factor that was closely related to this cryogenic planning was the

Emergency Capability Prograh which would run parallel to CASTLE.
planning operations. In this instance the question of procuring
additional RTD's was pertinent as well as training sufficient operators.

Select target paragraph3