
The former Test Facilities Task Unit became J-6, since it performed

essentially the same level of services as the other staff sections, J-l, J«3
and J-4, and could appropriately have the same staff status..-

3. Although final epproval for the creation of a new Task Group (7.5)
was not given until March 1953°), the new organization of TG 7.1 was based on

the assumption that there would be a fifth Task Group.

Accordingly, the AEC


Task Unit (TU-11 of TG 132.1) and the J-2 staff section were eliminated.


' J-2 functions with respect to personnel security were absorbed by J=-l, and it
was planned that all aspects of physical security at PPG, such as badges,

access lists, fencing, guarding, couriering, etc., would be the responsibility
of the new task group(©) e

A new staff position, Security Liaison Officer,

was created to handle general security matters which were formerly the responsibility of geo’),

On 1 February, the new organization went into effect

and staff appointments were announced


A listing of key personnel, as finally settled appears thus: (? )




Deputy Cdr for UCRL

Dr. Wm. E. Ogle

Dr. Duane Sewell

(5) 60.43, Hq JIF SEVEN, h Mar 53. -

(6) Incl 2 to Memo, “Proposed Castle Organization", 13 Jan 53, File J=15480, _
filed in J-l Files.


(7) Memo 9131-U to Ogle from Smith,’ 21 July 53, Symbol ADCS-3702, OU0, J-Div
files, 016.1 CASTLE. Also Ltr J~19421, 11 Aug 53 to Smith from Ogle,
subj: “Your Memo Dated July 21, 1953, Symbol ADCS~3702". J=Div files
016.1 CASTLE.
(8) GO #2, Hq TG 7.1, 2 Feb 53.

Memo 5 Feb 53 to Distr. from Ogle, Subj:

RSI J-Div 016.1 CASTLE

Select target paragraph3