1g72_ Survey


Additional followup monitoring at Bikini Atoll was conducted in May 1972,
by the ABC Division of Operational Safety, with support from staff of the
AEC Nevada Operations Office, the University of Washingtor., and the Western
Environmental Research Laboratory of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Soil, water and food items were collected and sampling was qgonducted for determining the radionuclide content of air. Reports of results are being
prepared by the principal investigators.

Radiation and radioactivity levels and the radionuclides contributing to
those levels were determined for the Bikini Atoll environment through a de-

talled survey in April-May 1967, and by additional survey activities in 1969,

1970, and 1972. External radiation levels were found to vary considerably
from island to island and from place to place on the same island. On islands
more remote from testing activities such as Eneu and Bikini, the major con-

The levels on Bikini were

observed to be highest in the more heavily vegetated interlor and lowest along
the shore where there has been more weathering. On near test islgnds, the
major contributor to the external gamma field was observed to be
Quantities of scrap metal containing
oO were found on these islands. These
were removed during cleanup operations in 1970. The information obtained
since 1968 would not require any significant change in the estimates of potential exposures for the returning population.


tributor to the external gamma field is 137ca.

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Hines, N. O., “Proving Ground, An Account of the Radiobiological
Studies in the Pacific, 1946-1961."
Beck, H. L., Bennett, G. G., McCraw, T. F., “External Radiation

Levels on Bikini Atoll, May 1967,"

HASL-190 (December 1967).


USAEC Preas Release, L-191, August 12, 1968, and attachment, "Report
of the Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate the Radiological Hazards of Resettlement of the Bikini Atoll.”


Gmith, A. E., Moore, W. E., "Report of the Radiological Cleanup of
Bikini Atoll," January 1972, SWRHL-lllr.


Held, E. E., "Radtological Resurvey of Animals, Soils and Ground
Water at Bikini Atoll, 1969-1970," February 1971, NVO-269-8 (Revision 1).


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