As you know, the Commission has accepted the responsibility
for .periodically examining the Rongelap natives as a routine
precautionary measure, In March 1955 a second medical recheck
Was conducted under the leadership of Dr, Eugene P, Cronkite of
the Commission's Brookhaven National Laboratory,

accompanied by

Lt. Cmdr, Samuel D. McPherson, an ophthalmologist presently on
duty at the Naval Medical Hospital at Bethesda, and Dr. Charles L.

Dunham, Deputy Director of the Commission's Division of Biology
and Medicine,
The survey team found that the Rongelapians are
in excellent general health with the exception of a few individuals
suffering from chronic diseases which were present prior to
March 1, 1954 and unrelated to the fallout incident,
individuals! white blood counts fall within the normal range,

although the mean for the entire group is somewhat below that of

the control population.
All skin lesions have healed,
Dr, McPherson, at the request of the native ophthalmologist,

performed a number of cataract operations.

None of the cataracts,

however, were related to the effects of the March 1,

1954 fallout.

It was also pointed out in our earlier letter that the

Commission, in cooperation with the Trust Territory and the

University of Hawaii, was investigating the possibility of
undertaking certain agricultural programs to increase food
production for the Marshall Islanders,
The Commission has
offered to assist the Government of the Trust Territories in any
way possible in researches directed toward crop improvement in
the Marshall Islands, but, thus far, no specific request hes been
received by the Commission for assistance,
For your information I am attaching a list of the major
categories of expenditures incurred by the Commission for the
various activities covered in this letter.
In addition to these,
we understand the Commander, Joint Task Force-7 will have expended
£233;203 by June 30, 1955 for rehabilitation of the Marshallese,
50,365 of which was reimbursed to the Commission for construction
of housing on Ejit Island in the Majuro Atoll for the temporary
resettlement of the Rongelapians.
I hope the information set forth in this letter will assist
the Department in preparing its report for presentation at the
Trusteeship Council this month,
I heave teken the liberty of sending cosries of this letter
to Secretary Wilson and Secretary McKay.
Sincerely yours,

Lewis L. Strauss
Mr, David McK, Key

Assistant Secretary
Department of State
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