-2participate in the annual surveys. Their services would be paid for by BNL.
One man that comes to mind is John Iaman, who has participated in many of
our surveys.
(I have not spoken to John about this). Also, Mrs. Kabua,
Public Health Nurse at Ebeye, might be a good choice. We feel that such a
person could be helpful to both of our programs. We would appreciate your

Dr. Hugh Pratt, who has just joined our program, will be going to
Kwajalein in advance of our survey about the middle of February.
In order
that he can assist Dr. Masao Korean at Ebeye until the latter part of March,

it is requested that he be granted a temporary license to cover that period.
I will mail a copy of his license to Dr. Kumangai soon.

4) We are planning our annual medical survey for about March 23 April 26. We will have a fairly large group and plan to carryout rather

extensive examinations.
I am sure that Drs. Riklon and Korean will welcome
consultation with some of the specialists I will have with me (internist,

thyroid specialist, gynocologist, tropical medicine specialist, ophthalmologist). We would appreciate your permitting the following Trust Territory

medical personnel at Majuro to participate:

Dr. John Iaman or another

practitioner, Sebio Shoniber, Nelson Zetkeia, Laijo Elanjo, and a nurse
(female, preferably, perhaps Mrs. Kabua). DOE will of course reimburse
Trust Territory for their expenses as previously agreed upon.
In view of
the incapacitation of our LCU, DOE at Honolulu will probably be in touch
with you about your help in chartering one of your vessels. Since we have
several trailers to take, if possible, it would be nice if we could use the

"Caroline Islander", which I understand has a fairly large well deck.

TI am enclosing a copy of our dietician's analysis of the Bikini

meal plan you sent. Except for calcium in the
be nutritionally adequate. We feel that it is
furnished in excess of daily needs in order to
radioactive strontium. We would appreciate it

adult diet, it appeared to
important that calcium be
inhibit the absorption of
is this can be done.

Best wishes for the New Year.

Robert A. Conard, M.D.

RAC: ge

CC: Mrs. R. Van Cleve, DOI

Dr. Walter Weyzen, DOE




Dr. Masao Kumangai
Dr. Ezra Riklon

Select target paragraph3