atrophic, others

large wlth hyperplasta or cystie

changes were characterized

an aborrheal appearance.
goiter, (adenomatoid

in some cases by


The hyperplastic

L[nfolding, of the epithet bum piv ing

These changes resemble those seen in iodine deficiency


The one case of cancer of the thyroid occurred

in a 42 year old woman and was of the mixed papillary and follicular type, *~
Ahypothyroid etiology for vrowth retardation noted in children in the
exposed group is strongly suggested by the recent findings of definite hypothyroidism in two of the most retarded boys who had atrophic glands but no
nodules. Their protein bound iodine levels have dropped below 2 ugh.

Two other

children with thyroid nodules showed low values also,
- During the past 6 months these people have been under treatment with
thyroid hormone and though the analysis of the vrowth data in the children is

it appears that the two boys showing most growth retardation have

had a spurt in growth during the past 6 months on this therapy.

It is too soon

yet to evaluate the beneficial effects of this therapy in reducing the incidence
of nodyles of the thyroid gland,
The radiation etiology of these thyroid lesions appears to be reasonably
certain in view of the

following facts.

(Ll) The thyroid glands received a

substantial dose of radiation from radioiodines and external gamma radiation,
(2) Only a few older people in the unexposed or low exposure groups have shown
any nodules of the thyroid gland. (3) The diet is not lacking in iodine and
there are no known goitrogenic foods.

(4) Furthermore, the correlation of

radiation exposure with later devclopment of thyroid abnormalities has been
well documented in animal and clinical studies,

The development of thyroid

tumors in children whose thymic regions or neck were exposed during infancy
is now well substantiated.

Adenomatous lesions of the thyroid in children

have also been reported 5 to 1l years after treatment with i3l for thyrotoxicosis.


NReetes en

Though the dose range in the Marshallese is similar to those

Select target paragraph3