

In believed Che beta enery bes weve: boa week Co tive cont rbbuted

significantly to the thyroid dose,
In 1963, 9 years after exposure to fallout, the first thyroid nodule
was detected in a 12 year old.girl in the more heavily exposed group.
Subsequently there have been increasing numbers detected,
nodules were detected;

in March,


In 1964, 2 further

5 other cases were noted and


i 28,


hypothyroidism in two boys who had shown growth retardation,

in addition

In September, 1965,

5 further cases were detected and this past March five more cases were found,

This makes a total now of 16 cases with nodules plus two cases of hypothyroidism,
Only one nodule has been found to be malignant.

Table I summarizes the incidences

of thyroid abnormalities in the various populations examined,
have been 79% of children

Note that there

fa the more heavily exposed group exposed ato


than 10 years of age with thyroid abnormalities, in comparison with no thyroid
pathology noted in children of the same age range of the nonexposed population
or in the lesser exposed populations.

The incidence in those exposed at a

greater age is considerably lower and not much higher than that seen for the
unexposed population or less exposed population,

Tt should be noted that: the

only nodules noted in the unexposed population were in the older age group,
that is, greater than 50 years of age,
Thyroid surgery has been performed on 11 cases with nodules,

Ten of

these cases, 9 children ( and one adult) were all found to have benign nodules
and one 41 year old woman had cancer,

Four other children in the exposed group

will have their thyroid nodules reevaluated in September 1966°% Athyroid77
nodule in one adult male disappeared while on hormone therapy.


In most cases the thyroid glands contained multiple nodules ranging in
diameter from a few millimeters to a few centimeters.
firm, others cystic, and sometimes even hemorrhagic,


All were nontender, some
No lymphadenopathy was

The microscopic sections of the benign lesions showed quite bizzare

appearance with a wide variety of different sized follicles,

some small and‘

Select target paragraph3