


existing conditions and problems.

This should make everyone

aware of the need for aggressive but coordinated action in the
planning and execution of this project.


The retention of some real estate interest, such

as use rights may be required by one or more of the Federal
agencies in which case early establishment of their requirements

should be made.

Additionally, if it is later found infeasible

to clean up one or more of the islands, it may be prudent to
retain it as a research site.


Administrative Responsibilities.

Liaison with the TTPI should be maintained throuchout the planning and cleanup phases.
It is considered desirable
that the District Administration have representatives on the island
throughout the cleanup.
The Eniwetokese could be used to assist

in the rehabilitation phase but due to the difficulty in following

individuals for future testing, it is thought best they not be
used in the cleanup of “hot" areas.
Of course, they could work
in the camp area during the cleanup phase.
The TYPI must be
consulted as to which existing facilities and equipment are to
be left for use by TTPI and the resettled natives.

The DOD now has jurisdiction of the Atoll and the
real property facilities constructed there are carried on the
USAF Real Property account.
Transfer of jurisdiction of the
atoll to the TTPI should be based on the progressive transfer of
individual islands as they are cleared and custody accepted by
the District Administrator or his representative.
The Air Force

should retain title to the property for the United States until
transfer of jurisdiction.

Recognition should be made of the role of the
Micronesian Legal Services which has already filed a brief
giving adverse comments on the draft environmental statement for
PACE and purports to be acting on behalf of the People of Eniwetok.
Based on their action in the PACE matter, they may be expected
to challenge the environmental. statement on the cleanup if our
plans do not meet their expectations. Accordingly, it is considered essential that the Department of Justice be brought in
on the planning at the earliest practicable time.

An environ-

mental statement will be required and its preparation should
begin as soon as a plan for disposal of radioactive and other
Gebris has been adopted.


Funding Responsibility. Prior to the Joint AEC-DOD

decision was made to limit the discussion on funds to

those required during the planning stage since it was thought


t of Ener
Departmen s Office
Historian’ S

Select target paragraph3