-2as the Liktanur pulled up ramp and steamed away.
(March 20th).

We departed at 1500


The voyage to Rongelap was down wind and relatively smooth. with only
the annoying exhaust fumes to mar the trip.

We arrived at. Rongelap at

’ 1730 on March 29th and anchored in the lagoon until early the next morning
when a good beaching was achieved.

The villagers were on the beach with

flower leis to greet us and a big sign "Welcome to Rongelap" on the beach.
The village meeting, examination schedule, sick calls and thyroid surveys
went smoothly with excellent cooperation from the people.

A party with

viewing of colored slides, movies, games, singing and refreshments was
enjoyed by all.

Due to an emergency medical case a "Goose" from Ma juro

had to be flown in to Rongelap to take the pateint to the Kwajalein Hospital.
We departed from Rongelap about 1600 on April 3rd with the 3 thyroid cancer
.cases to be taken to Tripler Hospital in Honolulu.
elap was taken on board for work over at Kwajalein.

The bulldozer from RongArrived off Enyu, Sunday,

April 4th and Drs. Robbins, Knudsen, Kotrady, Taman and I went to Bikini by


The boat sputtered and stalled during the trip.

At Bikini we

were warmly greeted and held a meeting with the people in one of the empty
houses (the meeting is discussed in the survey summary).

. The boat was

worked on by a mechanic before leaving for Enyu and the return trip was uneventful.

In the meantime, the DC~4 from Kwajalein had arrived on Enyu with

the radiological survey group headed by Mr. Greenhouse, several Bikinians
and Ted Murowski. “the Rongelap bulldozer was used to transfer the medical
boxes to the plane and remove the equipment of the radiological survey group
_to the LCU.

We departed from Enyu about 1330 for Kwajalein.

Drs. Knudsen,

Kotrady and Mr. Heotis remained with the radiological survey group at Bikini.

Select target paragraph3