
A Resolution

Requesting the Administering Authority to make it possible for the
people of Rongerik Atoll to return to their home, and for other
WHEREAS, the U.S. Navy and the Atomic Eneraqv Commission removed
the people of Bikini from their island to Rongerik Atoll in 1948
so that Bikini

could be used to test nuclear devices,

although the

owners of Rongerik were neither consulted nor compensated for such


WHEREAS, the atoll was severely damaged by radioactive fall-out
in 1954, and by the people of Bikini who were forced to cut down
the coconut trees for food, such damage being directly caused by
the AEC's use of the Marshall Islands for nuclear testing;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Marshall Islands Nitijela
in its 17th Regular Session that the Administering Authority and its
Atomic Energy Commission be and are hereby informed that the owners
and workers
of Ronoerik Atoll, represented by Iroij
Albert Leeak,
want to return to Rongerik and are ready to do so when they are assure
by the AEC that the atoll is no longer radioactive and when they
can support themselves on the atoll; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Administering Authority is hereby
requested to make funds available so that the atoll can be replanted
with coconut trees and re-settled by the Marshallese people; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be sent to

the District Administrator,


the High Commissioner of


May 13,


Aari eeae Se Ree A AeCE,

Trust Territory and the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission.


Select target paragraph3