UL LULS requeSl, an AQ HOC Committee oF e€1gNnt sclentists naving meaicai ana

radiobiology backgrounds was appointed by the Division of Biology and Medicine
to review available data.
Additional information was obtained for their con-

sideration in a radiological survey conducted April-May 1967.

These consult-

ants reached the unanimous conclusion that it would be radiologicaily safe

to allow the Bikini people to return home. The consultants also made recommendations for actions to be taken to reduce exposures that guided the cleanup and agricultural rehabilitation programs. Key items were removal of contaminated scrap, precautions regarding use of local foods and food production,
and periodic surveys to check the radiation status of the people and the en-

vironment. President Johnson announced the decision to return the Bikinians
to their atoll on August 12, 1968.
As to the role of AEC in the Bikini resettlement program, by letter of February 3, 1969, the Secretary of the Interior was informed that the AEC would
cooperate with the Departments of Interior and Defense in the cleanup of
Bikini Atoll and wouid provide $300,000 in fiscal year 1969 for this purpose.

Aiso, AEC would be responsible for the radiological health and safety aspects
of the program.

Accordingly, AEC is now conducting and committed to periodic

Select target paragraph3