Comparison Between Atolls


Moving in a northerly direction, radioactivity values were least in the
samples from Wotje Atoll, increased slightly at Ailuk Atoll and increased significantly at Utirik.

From Utirik, radioactivity values increased to the west.

Thus, Rongelap Atoll had higher values than Utirik and Bikini had the highest
values of any atoll sampled during this survey.

This pattern has been noted

previously (Nelson, 1977) and is a result of the fallout distribution from the

1 March, 1954 Bravo test on Bikini Atoll.

The south to north increase in

radioactivity is also apparent at Rongelap Atoll where the southern islands
have radioactivity levels about a factor of ten lower than the northern islands.

Differences Due to Sample Type
As noted previously (Nelson, 1977) 9°Sr and 137Cs are the predominant
radionuclides in biological and soil samples from the terrestrial environment.

In addition, 2%!Am and 239°240Py are important in soils from Rongelap Atoll
and Bikini Atoll? (Nelson, 1977) because of the quantity of these radionuclides
and because they are alpha-emitters, which have a higher potential health

hazard than most of the gamma-emitters.

Pandanus leaves continue to be the

best indicator species for !37Cs because they concentrate 137Cs and are abundant
and available through the year.

These leaves may also be used as an indicator

for 9°Sr, if coconut crabs are not available.

The exoskeleton of these crabs

contains more 9°Sr than any other biological sample measured; however, these
crabs are often absent or scarce on the more populated islands.
In the marine environment, “°K is the predominant radionuclide.


was the only fallout radionuclide present in a significant number of the marine
samples and the values for this radionuclide were usually Tess than a pCi.


Select target paragraph3